6 Signs Your Interview Went Well

You landed an interview, dressed up to impress and had a nice chat so you thought you might potentially get a work offer. Yet is there any way of really knowing if the interview was going well? Often in an interview job seekers are so focused on what they did wrong that they don’t care about the other things they did well. Although no signs are 100% foolproof, there are certainly some indications you’ve won over your interviewer.
These are the signs the interview has been rocking:
1. Second interview
The receipt of a second interview invitation is a sure-fire predictor of progress. If not interested in the recruiting manager, she ‘d be evasive about when and whether you’d like to hear back.
2. Asked for references
Bad hires have cost employers an average of nearly $17,000. When the hiring manager asks for a list of references, this means they take you seriously and want to make sure that you are a good candidate. When they are not interested in recruiting you, an organization won’t extend the time and resources to complete the process.
3. Being introduced to people
It’s a great sign to be exposed to people who weren’t on your interview schedule particularly when they’re higher up in the business. Reward points whether they are a senior executive or president. Drop-ins like that show the word about you and your skills are already getting around the office and interested in your future colleagues.
4. You spoke about the details of quitting your current job
When a hiring manager questions about how much time a transfer takes or what non-competitive arrangements may be in place, you should be confident that you are on their short list. This suggests that the recruiting manager is interested in going forward with an offer and wants to get ahead of any possible roadblocks that might slow down your exit from your current organization.
5. Salary discussion
It depends more on the stage of the interview process that you are in, but sometimes asking about wage goals is a positive sign. This means the company is considering investing in you. So come on set.
Usually, the pay problem is answered in two ways: What are your salary expectations? So what is your current remuneration? Write down your present salary to prevent misspelling. Study also the average salary of the industry for the role you are looking for. You don’t want to sell yourself short or count yourself out by asking for too much if you are asked to offer a salary range.
6. The interview ran long
Out between their other duties, recruiting managers schedule interviews. Find it a good sign if they don’t hurry you out of the door to get to their next candidate or meeting.
Again, none of those are sure-fire signs you got the job. However, if you’ve done all right, there’s always the possibility that someone else has done that too. But if you see a few of the above signals continuously you will know you have at least one shot.